I will be posting the rest of the 2009 photos this week, but for 2010 my photos will be on my personal blog located here.

Hope to see you there

Aubrey had a great Christmas and loved all her gifts. While opening most of her presents she would scream “Ohhhhhhhhhh” and once we even got a “Ohhhhhhhh shiiiiiiiiiiit” guess its time to watch the language a little closer.

Growing up we were always allowed to open 1 gift the night before Christmas so of course I had to let Aubrey open 1 gift.  I was worried she wouldn’t know what to do with a gift but she opened hers and her daddy’s with no problems at all!!

My shutterfly packages arrived today. . . thank God because it was Riley, Jordans and Ashtons gifts.  I had one of my layouts printed and framed for Riley and I think it turned out great!

I had a lot of last minute shopping for me and my mom.  After that we headed out to my mom’s where we all made CANDY!!!!

JoJo had to work today and Jordy was still here. . . THANK GOODNESS.  My Etsy store had an all day sales event and I was sooooo busy.  She helped so much by watching Aubrey for me. My dad also stopped by today to fix the tub – we thought it was a clog but the builders left some nails in the drain!!  Aubrey decided she wanted to help him out.

JoJo came home today.  Jordy and I went shopping and then ate dinner with Hayley.  When we got home that night he had all the christmas lights on and him and Aubrey were having a dance party!  I love my mantle all lit up!!!

I LOVE to see a christmas tree with gifts under it. . today Jordy and Aubrey played alllllllll day.  Jordan also helped me clean the house.

Jordan is out of school and is staying with me while JoJo is out of town.  Tonight she did me a huge favor and wrapped gifts.  I really thought this was a great photo for today because of the obvious but also because Joey had his court date today and it went GREAT!!!!!  Finally he will be able to do what he wants to do it was a GREAT GIFT for him!

JoJo left for Michigan today.  I always get freaked out staying at home with Aubrey by myself, so I took her to my mom’s to stay.  I guess because we are a week from Christmas and I have been thinking of doing a scrapbook of our traditions I have been noticing the things we do every year.  One particular thing is my mom’s Christmas tree – it is covered in SNOWMEN.  She loves snowmen, she collects snowmen!

May 2024